Students dealing with food insecurity don’t have reliable access to or can’t afford to buy nutritious food, while housing insecurity ranges from homelessness to an inability to pay rent and utilities. Those rates are troubling because of the correlation between basic needs security and degree completion. Many studies now show that students dealing with basic needs insecurity are less likely to remain enrolled. Our mission is to help vulnerable young people achieve their potential through pursuit of education.
of all University of
California students
of all California State
University students
of all LA community
college students
are experiencing hunger and homelessness tonight.
Many students are caught in a perfect storm of two forces, each of them massive in their own right: the lack of affordable education, and the lack of affordable housing. This is not to mention a third, equally powerful reason of the deeply personal life circumstances. Coming from the foster care system, family conflict or tragedy, undocumented legal status, disowned because of your gender, or coming from a low-income background are often reasons why students end up without a place to call home.
Our Impact
We directly provide basic needs to students without adequate access to food, housing, health care, and safety, so they can thrive in their education. We also support students through our partnerships with campus and community resources. Our vision is to ensure student well-being through food, housing, and economic justice – the conditions necessary for academic and personal success. It’s Maslow, enough said.
of students feel less anxiety about where they get their next meal
of students maintained or found stable housing
of students had their physical and mental health care needs met during the pandemic
of students were able to pay it forward to another student in need within a month